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Welcome to the Connected COTN (Church of the Nations) Online Program

by Rick Petty -

We are thrilled to embark on this journey of growth, transformation, and empowerment together. As the first COTN cluster to offer the World Evangelical Alliance accredited program for leaders in churches and various spheres of influence, we are committed to equipping and empowering individuals to make a significant impact for Jesus and His Kingdom on earth.

Our purpose is clear: 

We long for the world to not only learn about Jesus but also accept Him as their Lord and Savior, and to focus their lives on His Kingdom. We believe that authentic Christianity is not just a set of beliefs, but a life surrendered to the loving Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is about being joined to a community of believers who are learning to live a new life in a new way.

We aim: 

To nurture and develop individuals who are passionate about living out their faith in a tangible and transformative manner. We want to see each and every person entrusted to us living a self-governed life, guided by the Holy Spirit, and fulfilling their God-given destiny within a community of believers.

We believe: 

As you engage with this program, you will be inspired, motivated, and equipped to make a lasting difference in your community, church, workplace, family, and beyond. Together, we will strive to bring about positive change, transformation, and the advancement of God's Kingdom on earth.

Our commitment: 

To do all we can to partner with you to equip you, with practical tools, biblical teachings, and spiritual insights that will empower you to be effective leaders, influencers, and ambassadors for Christ.

Your part: 

Be prepared to embark on and do all you can on this life-changing journey of discovery, growth, and empowerment.

Let us join hands and hearts as we pursue our God-given destiny and release His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Welcome to the Connected COTN Online Program!  

Yours in Serving and growing closer to Jesus together
Rick, Reon and Craig